After they finished eating, Clark got up with his wine glass in hand. He looked at his sons and smiled. “Court, Gerald, as you know I’m now sixty-two, and one of these days I will be handing the over baton. But retirement isn’t my only worry. When I die, I want my legacy in good hands, and I want to make sure that my money is distributed fairly among my sons.” Gerald smiled, but Court looked upset. “Come on, dad, you know I hate that kind of talk!” “I know, son,” Clark said gently. “But I want you and Gerald to know what to expect. Yesterday I had my lawyers draft a new will. Court, you will, of course, receive the shares for the company, but as for the money…I mean my personal fortune, you as the eldest will receive $2.8 million, and you, Gerald, will receive one dollar.” Gerald jumped up. “What is this?!” he screamed.👇

A rich father puts his two sons to the test before deciding on their inheritance, then leaves his older son $2.8 million and his spendthrift younger son gets $1. Being …

After they finished eating, Clark got up with his wine glass in hand. He looked at his sons and smiled. “Court, Gerald, as you know I’m now sixty-two, and one of these days I will be handing the over baton. But retirement isn’t my only worry. When I die, I want my legacy in good hands, and I want to make sure that my money is distributed fairly among my sons.” Gerald smiled, but Court looked upset. “Come on, dad, you know I hate that kind of talk!” “I know, son,” Clark said gently. “But I want you and Gerald to know what to expect. Yesterday I had my lawyers draft a new will. Court, you will, of course, receive the shares for the company, but as for the money…I mean my personal fortune, you as the eldest will receive $2.8 million, and you, Gerald, will receive one dollar.” Gerald jumped up. “What is this?!” he screamed.👇 Read More