New study reveals worrying link between vaping and these life threatening diseases

A new study has revealed a worrying link between vaping and some seriously life threatening diseases.

And it’s not good news for vapers, because it turns out that it could actually be more harmful to your body than cigarettes.

This is according to a new study that has found there to be an increasing risk of dementia, heart disease and organ failure among people who vape.

According to experts, vaping could be more harmful than smoking (chuchart duangdaw/Getty Images)According to experts, vaping could be more harmful than smoking (chuchart duangdaw/Getty Images)

According to experts, vaping could be more harmful than smoking (chuchart duangdaw/Getty Images)

Leading the research at Manchester Metropolitan University is Dr Maxime Boidin who said: “Smokers tend to go outside and smoke, and once a cigarette is finished they have to light up another to keep going. But with vapes, you just keep going and it’s much harder to know how many puffs you’ve had.

“It’s much easier to vape continuously because you can do it in places where smoking might be less acceptable.

“What we have found is the dangers for someone who keeps vaping are no different from smokers.”

However, not everyone agrees and the UK’s NHS even labels vaping as ‘substantially’ less dangerous than smoking.

Reflecting on this, Boidin continued: “At the beginning, I also believed that vaping was more beneficial than smoking. You see a lot more people vaping these days because they don’t think it’s too bad. Many will be horrified to know the truth.”

Experts are warning about the health effects of vaping (Irina Kashparenko/Getty Images)Experts are warning about the health effects of vaping (Irina Kashparenko/Getty Images)

Experts are warning about the health effects of vaping (Irina Kashparenko/Getty Images)

According to the study, both smokers and vapers had health results that indicated damaged artery walls, which could be a sign of more serious cardiovascular issues in the future.

Blood flow was also impacted, which increases the risk of cognitive diseases like dementia.

Boidin went on to say: “When you put this mixture of metals and chemicals into your body you can’t expect nothing to happen.

“The only benefit of vaping is to help people quit smoking, but if they keep vaping the result is going to be the same. I think doctors should be able to prescribe vapes for a certain time, so they could be used as a transition tool, but only for a short time.

“We now know the long-term effects of vaping, and if we don’t act now we will see a health emergency in the next 10, 15 years.”

There has been a push in the UK government to ban certain vaping products and enforce tighter restrictions around the sale of vapes.

Labour MP for York Central, Rachael Maskell, said: “This study adds to the body of evidence that vaping can cause significant harm to a person. The government should take stricter measures in ensuring that vapes are only accessible to people who currently smoke as a smoking cessation intervention.”

Featured Image Credit: chuchart duangdaw/Getty Images

Startling report highlights link between cancer and alcohol that will inform new US guidelinesStartling report highlights link between cancer and alcohol that will inform new US guidelines


Startling report highlights link between cancer and alcohol that will inform new US guidelines

Even one less alcoholic drink a day could have a major impact

Tom Chapman

Tom Chapman

With dry January in full effect, many of us have kicked the habit and left our booze behind the bar for the month.

However, it’s not just limited to January, with others hoping to extend their alcohol-free lifestyle much longer.

A startling report links alcohol to cancer, meaning you might think twice before picking up your favorite tipple.

Research over the decades suggests that even as few as one alcoholic drink a day can increase your likelihood of getting certain cancers.

Alcohol is said to be a major preventable cancer cause (Oscar Wong / Getty)Alcohol is said to be a major preventable cancer cause (Oscar Wong / Getty)

Alcohol is said to be a major preventable cancer cause (Oscar Wong / Getty)

Dr. Vivek Murthy released a Surgeon General Advisory on January 3, 2025, highlighting the apparent link between alcohol and cancer.

In his report, Murthy called for alcoholic beverages to include labels warning about cancer – similar to what can be found on cigarette packets.

With many associating cirrhosis of the liver as the main health problem with alcohol, a 2019 survey from the American Institute for Cancer Research revealed under half of the Americans asked didn’t identify alcohol as a cancer risk.

In reality, alcohol is the third-most preventable cause of cancer in the United States, coming behind tobacco in first and obesity in second.

Murthy’s report reiterates that alcohol can be attributed to 100,000 cancer cases and over 20,000 cancer deaths every year. Alcohol can be linked to cancer cases relating to the breast, liver, colorectal, mouth, throat, esophagus, and voice box.

Most worryingly, alcohol-induced cancer deaths are higher than alcohol-associated traffic fatalities.

Murthy says that breast cancer is a particular area of concern, with an increase in drinking among women also being an underrated issue.

It’s not just ‘heavy’ alcohol drinkers at risk, and although less alcohol is obviously better, 25% of these drink-related cancer cases are affecting those who are considered moderate drinkers.

As noted by Science Alert, a 2016 surgeon general’s report also warned about links between alcohol, addiction, and cancer.

Murthy’s report shows evidence that supports the previous report, using epidemiological science to try and figure out the relationship between cancer rates and how many alcoholic drinks we consume. Experimental animal studies also hope to help scientists understand these connections.

Over half of Americans don't realize the link between alcoholic consumption and cancer (SolStock / Getty)Over half of Americans don't realize the link between alcoholic consumption and cancer (SolStock / Getty)

Over half of Americans don’t realize the link between alcoholic consumption and cancer (SolStock / Getty)

Alcohol is said to affect our DNA, and although healthy cells constantly divide all the time, cancerous cells can be traced to alcohol-induced DNA damage.

There are four key pathways, like our bodies breaking down alcohol into acetaldehyde that can damage our DNA. Alcohol also creates reactive oxygen species, raises estrogen levels as a tie to breast cancer, and is a solvent that can lead to the body absorbing other carcinogens more readily.

The report asks for alcohol warning labels, which haven’t been updated since they were introduced in 1988.

In terms of how much alcohol is safe to drink, we’re told the unfortunate answer is none.

Even if you aren’t going sober forever, reducing your alcohol intake by just a couple of drinks a day can help with one of cancer’s most preventable risk factors.

None of the studies can tell you what your individual cancer risk is, with your genes being a major contributing factor.

The surgeon general wants to revamp guidelines, improve education when it comes to alcohol and cancer, and update daily alcohol consumption limits.

Featured Image Credit: Catherine Falls Commercial / STEVE GSCHMEISSNER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty

Scientists unlock key to long life in DNA and diet of 117-year-old-womanScientists unlock key to long life in DNA and diet of 117-year-old-woman


Scientists unlock key to long life in DNA and diet of 117-year-old-woman

She ate the same thing three times a day

Tom Chapman

Tom Chapman

Apparently, the key to living a long life isn’t the Fountain of Youth, but it could simply be eating the same thing three times a day.

While Worldometer puts the average global lifespan at 73.3 years in 2025, the top of the list is Hong Kong with an impressive 85.63 years compared to Nigeria at the bottom with 54.64 years.

Still, Hong Kong’s figures pale in comparison to Maria Branyas Morera, an American-Catalan supercentenarian who lived until the age of 117.

At the time of her death in August 2024, Morera was the oldest person in the world after taking over from Lucile Randon (living to 118) following her death in 2023.

While most of us can’t ever imagine getting anywhere near that age, others are obsessed with finding out Morera’s ‘secret’ that helped her live to 117.

Now, scientists think they’ve cracked the code by looking at her DNA and very particular diet.

Super Àvia Catalana
Super Àvia Catalana

Moltes gràcies per les felicitacions. El meu agraïment, de cor, a totes les persones que ahir em vareu manifestar el vostre afecte, respecte i boniques paraules. “Només amb un somriure que em facis tot passant, ja m’omplo d’alegria i veig el món més gran” (Joana Raspall)




Local paper ARA reports how University of Barcelona genetics professor Manel Esteller led research into the life and times of Morera.

The woman herself said it was ‘luck and good genetics’ that helped her live so long, and while some of that is true, Esteller has another theory.

The team had started looking into Morera’s DNA before she died, discovering that her inherited genes meant her cells behaved as if they were 17 years younger than they actually were. Even more interesting, her microbiota was the same as an infant child.

It’s said that Morera remained in good health apart from suffering deafness and joint pain toward the end of her life. She also remained lucid until her last few months.

Esteller explained: “In Maria Branyas we found a combination of rare variants in multiple genes and pathways (immune system, cardioprotection, brain activity and mitochondrial metabolism) that probably acted together to promote her extraordinary longevity.”

Morera's Mediterranean diet could've helped her longevity (SimpleImages / Getty)Morera's Mediterranean diet could've helped her longevity (SimpleImages / Getty)

Morera’s Mediterranean diet could’ve helped her longevity (SimpleImages / Getty)

Xavier Aldeguer, coordinator of the digestive and microbiota research area at the Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI), also highlighted Morera’s ‘Mediterranean diet’ which included three yogurts a day. It’s thought that this kept the population of her intestinal bacteria at healthy levels.

Aldeguer wants to study the microbiota profile of other supercentenarians to see whether we can “develop some types of prebiotic patterns that are associated with longevity.”

Esteller hopes the study can potentially open the doors to creating drugs that can promote longevity while reducing the deterioration of our bodies that’s caused by age.

With Morera’s cells behaving much younger than they should’ve at her age, he concluded: “This study reinforces the idea that ageing and disease can, under certain conditions, be separated, challenging the common perception that they are inextricably linked.”

If you want to live to 117, it could be time to up your yogurt intake and see if it changes anything.

Featured Image Credit: Family archive of Maria Branyas Morera/Wikimedia Commons/PD

Expert reveals ‘life-threatening’ reason not to use fan at night as summer temperatures increaseExpert reveals ‘life-threatening’ reason not to use fan at night as summer temperatures increase


Expert reveals ‘life-threatening’ reason not to use fan at night as summer temperatures increase

This expert warns that sleeping with a cool fan at night could be deadly

Rikki Loftus

Rikki Loftus

An expert has revealed the ‘life-threatening’ reason why you shouldn’t use your fan at night as the summer temperatures rise.

As soon as the hot weather approaches, we all go searching to the back of the cupboards to dig out a cooling fan.

Plugging in an electric fan took keep us cool at night is human nature but one expert has revealed that this could prove to be disastrous.

One expert warns that sleeping with a fan on at night could be disastrous (skynesher/Getty)One expert warns that sleeping with a fan on at night could be disastrous (skynesher/Getty)

One expert warns that sleeping with a fan on at night could be disastrous (skynesher/Getty)

According to electric appliance expert Andrai Carcu, you might want to second think using a fan to cool down during the summer nights.

He warned: “Sleeping during the summer can be a struggle, let alone if there is a heatwave, which is why so many of us opt to use a fan at night. Although it might make you feel cooler and help you sleep easier, it is not without its dangers, some of which can be life-threatening.”

Why is using a fan at night dangerous?

One deadly reason is that the fan could catch on fire.

Carcu said: “A buildup of dust can be a serious problem for your electric fan, as it might accumulate in the fan’s motor. This will lead it to overheat and potentially catch fire.

Sleeping with a fan on could be deadly, warns one expert (Chayaporn Yemjuntuek/Getty)Sleeping with a fan on could be deadly, warns one expert (Chayaporn Yemjuntuek/Getty)

Sleeping with a fan on could be deadly, warns one expert (Chayaporn Yemjuntuek/Getty)

“However, this is easily avoidable by regularly cleaning your fan, particularly the blades, the vent and the motor if possible to remove any buildup of dust. Before tackling the fan itself, always disconnect the device and adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines in the manual.”

Another factor to consider is that the fan can spread allergens.

Carcu continued: “Electric fans are supposed to circulate air around the room but dusty fan blades allow dust mites, spores, pollen and other allergens to also disperse in the area.

“Frequent sneezing, watery eyes, a runny nose, itchy throat, or difficulty breathing are all signs that you could be spreading allergens around the room without realising it.”

The dry air from a fan could cause illness (izusek/Getty)The dry air from a fan could cause illness (izusek/Getty)

The dry air from a fan could cause illness (izusek/Getty)

The dry can also make you feel congested and cause muscle cramps.

The expert warned that this could “dry out your nose and throat” and this could lead to “uncomfortable sensations like sinus headaches, nasal congestion, drowsiness and fatigue”.

Carcu added that “the cool air is more likely to build up tension and trigger cramping in your muscles. This is why you are more likely to wake up with a stiff neck if you have your fan on all night.

“You can avoid this by simply making sure the fan is not facing you directly, or use an electric rotating fan that will not constantly disperse cool air to your body.”

How can we keep cool without a fan?

So, how can we keep cool without relying on a fan?

The best thing to do is to close your curtains, according to Carcu, as this will block out the sunlight.

There are safer ways to keep cool during the summer nights (MementoJpeg/Getty)There are safer ways to keep cool during the summer nights (MementoJpeg/Getty)

There are safer ways to keep cool during the summer nights (MementoJpeg/Getty)

Lighter sheets and pajamas might also do the trick but if you’re finding yourself feel too warm at night, try taking a cool shower or bath before bed.

Carcu said: “Take a cool shower or bath approximately an hour before bedtime which will lower your body’s temperature and help you sleep more easily.

“Drink plenty of cool water throughout the day, especially before going to bed which will help you regulate your body’s temperature.”

Featured Image Credit: skynesher/MementoJpeg/Getty

New research reveals shocking effects vaping has on your body seconds after you inhaleNew research reveals shocking effects vaping has on your body seconds after you inhale


New research reveals shocking effects vaping has on your body seconds after you inhale

Smoking’s ‘better alternative’ might not be all it’s made out to be

Harry Boulton

Harry Boulton

Vaping is often seen by many as the ‘healthier’ alternative to smoking, especially in versions without nicotine, but a new scientific study has shown quite the opposite in some ways.

Vapes and e-cigarettes have exploded in popularity over the past few years, especially after the introduction of disposable variants in a number of different flavors.

The ease of use and supposed health benefits compared to actual cigarettes has led many to believe they’re making a positive health change when switching to vapes, but it’s proven to not be quite as black and white as that.

Studies have shown the harmful effects of vaping on your brain, the vulnerability of users to what’s now being called ‘popcorn lung’, and the harmful production and testing of vapes in factories – but a new study has further added to the pile.

Vaping is mistakenly seen as a 'healthy' alternative to smoking (Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)Vaping is mistakenly seen as a 'healthy' alternative to smoking (Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)

Vaping is mistakenly seen as a ‘healthy’ alternative to smoking (Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)

Scientific research conducted by Dr. Marianna Nabbout at the University of Pennsylvania has identified the effects of smoking and e-cigarettes on your vascular function, which is the ability to carry oxygenated blood throughout your body.

31 different healthy smokers and e-cigarette users aged between 21 and 49 were included in the study, which involved three sessions which were preceded and followed with an MRI scan.

The three sessions involved the use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes with nicotine, and then e-cigarettes without nicotine, with a cuff placed on the upper thigh to restrict blood flow.

After each session the cuff was then deflated, and scientists measured the speed of blood flow in the femoral artery, alongside venous oxygen saturation – which evaluates the amount of oxygen that returns to the heart after circulating throughout the body.

This data was then directly compared to collected information from scans of non-smokers aged from 21 to 33 years old.

Shockingly, these studies not only indicated a significant decrease in the resting blood flow of the femoral artery, but the biggest effects were seen following the inhalation of nicotine-infused vapes, and then e-cigarettes without nicotine.

It was also indicated that there was a decrease in venous oxygen saturation following the use of vapes, which shows that less oxygen is consumed by the lungs.

The negative effects of vaping on your lungs appear much faster, according to studies (Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images)The negative effects of vaping on your lungs appear much faster, according to studies (Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images)

The negative effects of vaping on your lungs appear much faster, according to studies (Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images)

It’s definitely something to think about next time you reach for a vape, as there are areas where it’s actually more harmful than a cigarette – especially just after you inhale.

This doesn’t mean that you should smoke cigarettes instead, however, as Dr. Nabbout explains: “Ultimately, we are relying on science to help guide the regulation of such products in favor of public health. Refraining from smoking and vaping is always recommended.”

It’s just another thing to consider in a long list of health risks when it comes to e-cigarettes, and with the recent rise of regulation we might perhaps see things become more controlled in the coming years.

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